Hannah Arendt

"With this sudden abandonment it was as if one were surrounded by an empty space."
"Nous étions confrontés à un abandon soudain: comme si un vide se faisait."

Gustav Obermaier
"In 1952, I started to study. At that time, no one told us anything about it. It was a great hole, an absence."
"Quand je commence mes études, en 1952, personne ne parle de tout ça. Il y a un grand trou, un vide."

Claus Rath
"The fatherland was experienced as something empty by the first post-war generation of Germans. They had no symbolic fathers they could unquestioningly depend on or build on."
"La patrie, pour la génération d'après-guerre,était une notion vide de sens. Sans pères symboliques sur lesquels on aurait pu s’appuyer sur lesquels on aurait pu se construire."

Jutta Prasse
"There are wounds in the language which have healed badly, scar tissue which disrupts meaning and which locks the free flow of meaning."
"La langue comporte des cicatrices mal guéries, des boursouflures qui entravent le sens, qui le fixent, le brouillent."

Hanns Zischler
"That also had to do with the strange vitality of the ghosts in Berlin : their traces were more visible and the awareness of them was greater than in other cities."
"Cela tenait aussi à l'étrange vitalité des fantômes à Berlin leurs traces étaient bien plus visibles que dans d'autres villes."